The Acting Everyday Blog
Discover why we act and why we can't stop
AI and Tech
It’s Aliiiiive!
Explore the theatrical nature of artificial intelligence, robotics and emerging tech.
Work and Life
Think For Yourself.
Channel your inner chameleon at work, meetings, and interviews. Be more than a corporate robot.
Thoughts, insights, and relief for the pretender within.
AI and Tech
Why Are Tech Companies Obsessed With Your Eyes?
Remote technologies have made life more flexible for workers. But at what cost?
Social Life
Is Remote Work Turning Us Into Joyless Zombies?
How work from home is changing the way we think, act, and socialize.
AI and Tech
The Theatrical Performance of ChatGPT and AI
ChatGPT knows how to put on a show. But are we watching it, or is it watching us?
Social Life
How Do We Perform In Life?
What roles are we playing in everyday life? And if we’re acting all the time, why aren’t we aware of it?